Looking north toward Cypress and Grouse.

Elise and Kaida covered in sand. Kaian helping...

Underwater shells. The highlight of the shell hunting was finding sand dollars in the deeper water.

A lazy raccoon escaping the daytime heat in a tree behind the cabin.

There were lots of crabs. Elise snatched up a small one without hesitation...until it pinched her!

Elise wading through the tide pools on route to the next sandbar. Note the pail for collecting creatures and magnifying glass for close inspection.

Cooling down before bed. From left to right: Kaida, Jack, Kaian, Shannon, Elise and Pam.

Elise hunting for shells in Boundary Bay.

I am from Nebraska but spent 30+ years fishing in Canada every Spring, therefore I enjoyed seeing your pictures. Nice family! Enjoy yourselves in your travels - God Bless.